Monday, January 19, 2009

Why 56th Inauguration

To us non-Americans, a reasonable question to ask is "why is this the 56th U.S. Presidential inauguration. While Barack Obama will be the 44th president, his inauguration will in fact be the 56th such event. Presidents who are re-elected are inaugurated for a second time (although Franklin D. Roosevelt was actually inaugurated four times). The number 56 does not include those vice-presidents who suddenly succeeded a president who died or resigned - and there are nine such instances in United States history, although several of those nine went on to be elected to their own terms, and, therefore, have their own inauguration. Never let it be said this blog site wasn't educational :)


Anonymous said...

That is very interesting...I had just been discussing this with my wife, and we both wondered about this. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Because some Presidents have been inaugurated more than one time (those who - like W. Bush or Clinton - were elected twice).

Fred Gagnon