Saturday, December 6, 2008

Upsetting the Democrats

You really want to know what would tick off the Democrats.?

Bush should resign now. Then his VP Dick Cheney becomes President. Then he appoints Condoleeza Rice, another Republican, as Vice President. Then Cheney resigns two weeks later and Republican Condoleeza Rice becomes the first BLACK President and the first WOMAN President !!!

I couldn't resist posting this :)


Coffee Cartel Roastery said...

you know you are onto something wazza :)bloody Brilliant

Shooter said...

Yes, this would've been the Republican way
of getting one of their black members into
the White House. Never mind that Rice was
immensely more qualified than Palin or that
if Powell had been elected President in 2000,
Amercia would've been about 1000 times
better off today. What's more important is
they don't let Obama be the First Black!
Exactly the kind of Republican cynicism and
arrogance that has brought us to where we
are today.

Wazza said...

Ha ha..."Shooter"...lighten up mate. Its a joke. Don't lose your sense of humor.