Friday, December 5, 2008


Could it really be? Is it possible that the terrorists who attacked Mumbai recently had an actual strategic objective?. I mean an objective that transcends the limited purpose most of us generally believe terrorists have in mind when committing such acts. This particular attack, reported to have been carried by as few as 10 terrorists, has the potential to have major strategic repurcussions. Not just for India. Not just for Pakistan. But for the world. Not only has it brought India and Pakistan to the brink of war again, but the shift of focus towards the country's eastern borders by Pakistan's military will not doubt provide a welcome relief to the Taliban who were obviously under pressure on the western borders.

I have read and heard many assessments by experts since the attacks took place. There is a tendency by many of them, in my opinion, to underestimate the sophistication of both the strategy and the operation of the attackers. The opening up of another "front" in Pakistan throws a massive spanner into the machinery of the war on terror. It has diverted US attention to preventing an all out war between two nuclear powers, both of whom harbor deep historical hatred and distrust for each other - and both of whom have previously stated their willingness to use nuclear force if necessary.

To quote Sun Tzu..."All warfare is based on deception"... could these terrorists have had such a grand strategy in mind when they stormed ashore in Mumbai? Perhaps their greatest achievement is deceiving us into believing they are incapable of such planning.

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