Friday, March 6, 2009

Could U.S. Taxpayers be funding Hamas??

How in the hell can the U.S. government pledge $900 million to Gaza and believe that no money will go to Hamas? Unfortunately for the needy people of Gaza, $900 million isn't much in geopolitical aid terms, but just as fortunately for the tax payers of the United States that also restricts the amount of useful funds that will find its way into Hamas' hands.

Hillary Clinton's visit to the Middle East only served to reinforce what I have alluded to previously, i.e. that there is precious little difference between the foreign policy of President George W. Bush and Mr. Barack Obama. At least if there is any difference, it wasn't made obvious as a consequence of Mrs Clinton's latest visit. Clinton's visit really was just a distraction - more unkindly it could have been termed a was intended for was intended to pave a way for the allocation of more money (which may not actually eventuate)...and to be "seen to be there" thus avoiding criticism of not being engaged in the Middle East "problem".

There can be no doubt that the hurdles to be overcome in obtaining peace in the Middle East are enormous; especially now with Mr. Netanyahu likely to head the Israeli government - but if the Administration of Mr. Obama has any ideas up its sleeve, they weren't apparent as a result of Mrs. Clinton's latest foray.

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